
Each year, the team at Charles Faram create secret plots of new, experimental hop varieties in search of unique new varieties with increased aromas.

It takes us approximately 5 years to bring these new varieties to market so we need your expertise and input to help us short circuit the amount of time it takes to get these new varieties into your hands for brewing trials.

The Aromafest® is your chance to give us assessment feedback on early trial plot varieties so we can find out which ones you prefer so we can move them swiftly onto the next round and plant more for the next harvest.

Charles Faram are continuously investing in R&D on new UK varieties and wants to help UK growers find disease-resistant plants that yield well and provide new exciting flavours for modern beer styles.

Brewer assessment feedback is ESSENTIAL to the success of this project so we’d like to get as many of you on board as possible for these events.
The majority of the events start at 10.30 am for arrival to give you a chance to get to each venue without having to leave the house at the crack of dawn and we aim to finish around 3 pm to give you a chance to get back before the traffic gets too heavy. Edinburgh is an evening event.
This is a free event to attend and we’ll be providing food and drink at each venue so get the train if you fancy a few beers! This is a chance for you to meet our growers, talk to the Charles Faram team and socialise with other brewers as well as help us gather vital assessment feedback for the future success of UK hop growing.

Spaces for each event are provided on a first-come, first-served basis and the number of tickets available for each venue is limited.